Testimonials and Recommendations

Over the years, I've worked with hundreds of business owners along with coworkers who reached out to mention their experience from working together.

From what I've gathered, Leon here is not just another cog in the corporate machine. No, Leon is more like a finely tuned instrument in an orchestra, where every note played resonates with dedication, innovation, and a genuine chord of concern for those around them.

Leon's testimonials reveal a pattern, a recurring theme if you will, of someone who doesn't merely meet expectations but soars above them. They're described as a beacon of reliability and a fountain of hard work, where "hard work" isn't just about the hours but the heart poured into tasks.

Leon has crafted an experience for clients and teams that transcends the transactional. They're a mentor, a guide through the labyrinth of business growth, armed with strategies that are as effective as they are innovative. Their approach to platforms like Instagram? It's less about vanity metrics and more about crafting engaged communities, turning followers into a family.

Let's talk about customer experience! Leon doesn't just serve customers; there seems to be a genuine care for their journey, ensuring their satisfaction as if it were their own. This, my friends, is what builds not just businesses but legacies.

Peers and clients alike admire not only the results Leon delivers but the way they're delivered – with a blend of professionalism, passion, and personalized service that's rare in this age of automation and cookie-cutter solutions. Leon is trusted because integrity isn't just a buzzword in their playbook.

In essence, Leon isn't just delivering projects or services; they're crafting experiences. They're the kind of individual that makes others want to be better, to strive for more, not out of competition but out of inspiration. And that, my friends, is the hallmark of someone who leaves a lasting imprint, not just in the world of business but in the hearts of those they've worked with. Leon's approach? It's not just about business; it's about building bonds, fostering growth, and leaving a legacy of excellence and empathy.

Works hard, cares about the office and our customers

"You can always count on Leon to focus on work and positive change in the office. Works hard, cares about the office and our customers and chooses to be a force of good for the team. very very very appreciated."
- Ismael Zouhair, Territory Operations Leader at Tesla

Going above and beyond in our mission time and time again

"Leon is truly exemplary going above and beyond in our mission time and time again. Leon proactively seeks opportunities to pivot based on operational demand, can be depended on for anything that comes about and oozes passion and professionalism. He is a role model to all"
- Alberto Collagrosso, Inside Sales Supervisor at Tesla

Continues to learn very quickly and serve as a hyper-productive team member.

"Leon, thank you for your consistent top performance on the inbound queue. You continue to learn very quickly and serve as a hyper-productive team member. We are so thankful for your hard work and efficiency. Excited to see your continued growth!""
- Javier Barreto-Gomez, General Manager at Tesla

Pushing me to be the most efficient at my work. I cannot thank him enough.

"From the moment I joined the sales team in March of 2023 Leon was among the first to welcome me aboard. He has helped me tremendously throughout my time. Weither it's bouncing ideas off each other or him pushing me to be the most efficient at my work. I cannot thank him enough for what he has done in him time with us. I recommend Leon to any company looking for an all star!"
- Lenine Guillaume, Virtual Advisor at Tesla

Leon's willingness to help, passion for excellence, and unwavering attention to customer experience have all contributed to the brand's success in Canada

"It is not difficult to see that Leon truly embodies Tesla's mission of accelerating the world's transition to sustainable energy. Leon's willingness to help, passion for excellence, and unwavering attention to customer experience have all contributed to the brand's success in Canada. It was an honour to work with Leon and I can not think of anyone that is more dependable. Any company will be lucky to have Leon in their roster.

Leon, you are one of, if not the most dedicated person I've met at Tesla. Your care and passion really shows in your everyday work. Thank you for being part of our virtual team's growth. Its been an honour."
- Leslie Wong, Operations Advisor at Tesla

Leon took his listening strategies, sales acumen, and genuine concern for client satisfaction to new heights

In 2021 I had the pleasure of working close with Leon, as I trained the newly developed Virtual Advisor team. Leon along with a few others that were part of this NEW department had prospective potentials.

I have witnessed his growth within the team, to expand (and deservingly so) to other facets of Tesla. Leon took his listening strategies, sales acumen, and genuine concern for client satisfaction to new heights as a coordinator then supervisor. I am confident in his future successes as he is always eager to learn to better himself for the company. Factor in that he is so focused in ensuring our clients are satisfied with the company, product and his expertiese... he will be a fantastic asset to any organization.
- Edward Galvez, Senior Sales and Operations Advisor at Tesla

Your work and efficiencies in supporting the mission will ever have a lasting impact.

- Govi Dhillon, Inside Sales Supervisor at Tesla

Your were an incredible partner to work with.

- Austin Jang, Senior Sales Advisor at Tesla

I loved to see your passion and dedication to building up everything around you!

"Not going to lie, you're going to leave a void behind you, I loved to see your passion and dedication to building up everything around you! Will truly miss working along your side!"
- Rassoul Lotfi, Customer Support Supervisor at Tesla

I've made close to £15,000 in sales directly generated from Instagram since we began working together

“Hey Leon I thought I should tell you that I've made close to £15,000 in sales directly generated from Instagram - organically - since we began working together [within 30 days]. And that's starting from ZERO, no followers, no paid ads.”
- Justin Devonshire, The Transform Hub UK with 21 locations now

Just got a booking for next weekend!

"Started implementing your local strategy yesterday. Follows are bumping up quick and just got a booking for next weekend!"
- Jack Beadle

He's someone I would invest in. 100%

"Leon is someone who is very giving with his time, will answer questions and if you have money, he's someone I would invest in. 100%. He's never done me wrong. He's never done anyone I know wrong. Great guy. The only IG peep I recommend hands down."
- Dan Meredith - Best selling author, Serial Entrepreneur, founder of Coffee With Dan

I've gained 4 thousand followers, gained huge amounts of engagement compared to before

"I came to Leon for some very high level pointers and advice surrounding Instagram and how to gain some traction and reach with my posts and page, after a few back and forths I put into action gus advice and from January to now I've gained 4 thousand followers, gained huge amounts of engagement compared to before and going from strength to strength and this was just from basic steps.

The advice Leon gave was great, easy to follow and implement and has materialised exactly how he said it would. If you're struggling to kick start you Instagram I really recommend using his knowledge, the guys a master of the app!!"
- Ashley Hine

More people are engaging with the content and followers are staying. Defo has been worth the investment.

"Been using the hashtag service Leon offered for maybe 2/3 weeks now. My posts generally got about 20 likes a photo it's now constantly in the 50s.

More people are engaging with the content and followers are staying instead of the usual followers who follow and unfollow.

I'm unsure on the exact numbers but Leon's been tracking them for me since it's started and it's growing. I'd come to a standstill with my growth not sure if it was the algorithms that had changed but have been struggling for last 6 months. Defo has been worth the investment, plus all the bonuses shit load of content not made my way through half of it yet but just gotta implement it now."
- Aidan Hamilton

I got 4 clients off of Instagram in the first 2 weeks. I have never signed up clients off of IG before.

"Many have reached out asking what Leon is doing with my IG. I'd like to answer "Ninja Unicorn Wizard Magic" ... but that probably isn't a satisfactory answer.

I got 4 clients off of Instagram in the first 2 weeks of January (3 in my group challenge and 1 VIP 1-21). I have never signed up clients off of IG before.

He is growing my audience in a targeted fashion, while running analytics to eliminate followers who are not engaging or bot accounts. Our primary goal is turning my audience into a much more engaged one.

So not just vanity metrics (followers) but followers that engage.

He also keeps an eye on my profile, keeps me up to date on latest IG happenings and I also use his Hashtag Domination tool.

So, it's my responsibility to create content, and to reply to comments and DMs on my profile, but he handles the outreach, and so my profile grows and grows more engaged while I sleep ... Basically he gets my content in front of the most meaningful eyeballs.

The verdict? Engagement keeps climbing. I have a long way to go, but damn, that path got shorter, thanks to Leon.

Best option. Have a chat with him. If he can't help you, he'll straight up tell you. Not only that, he'll set you straight so that you do the things you need to do, to maximise the help you get from him.

But just like you don't lift weights for your clients ... he doesn't create the content for you. That needs to come from you, if you want to form meaningful connections with your audience.”
- Jonathan McLernon, Head Coach at Freedom Nutrition Coaching

The man knows his stuff

"Check out Leon's training for Instagram. The man knows his stuff."
- Stuart Mackenzie

I have some fantastic ideas now for both promoting my agency business as well as helping affiliates

"Just had a fantastic chat with Leon about Instagram and have some fantastic ideas now for both promoting my agency business as well as helping affiliates promote people's links too.

I won't give away his secrets so I suggest you book a call with him if you need help building an audience or driving traffic with Instagram."
- Jason Hulott

His passion for design and his commitment for excellence brings a joy to all those working around him.

"Leon did an audit of my IG account.

His recommendations were SO helpful and to the point. It was some common practices that are a must do for anyone on IG and also a series of personalized recommendations for my brand and business.

He is thorough and obviously cares about getting his clients results.

In the online marketing space it is not always easy to find people with integrity and who care about the results their clients get...

Leon is an exceptional person! I highly recommend him for anything he is offering."
- Delora Guignion - Mindset Mentor

This quick chat gave me so much direction!

"Shout out to Leon Benjamin for the great tips he just gave me on my IG account! I always forget that IG is basically a 40 hour/week job in and of itself and I kind of get 'bored' because I lack direction or know how on really what to do!

This quick chat gave me so much direction! Thank you to all of the teachers in here teaching me how to start, where to start, and the correct rate of growth to success, it's all about the journey and I am so happy that I get to learn from REAL GENUINE fucking BADASSES!"
- Vaughan Jess

Super specific and very helpful

“You (Leon) and John are the only marketing coaches I've hired who actually went through my content. Yeah most of them (other marketing coaches) give set templates for fitness. I know I need to pay attention to the current market. But like you stated we have to make sure people know what we do is different. So, I was super happy with your feedback. Super specific and very helpful”
- Curt Ligot, owner of Roundbox Fitness

I absolutely love what you did with my IG

"Dude I absolutely love what you did with my IG. That's exactly what I try to do: Show a slice of me and offer some type of hopefully witty value. And I don't have to think about it. Now I'll get more pics and more captions so we can perhaps do this monthly."”
- Bryan Krahn, coach and author: Men's Health Muscle After 40.

Numbers on posts and engagement consistently going up

"Hey Leon, Numbers on posts and engagement consistently going up, seem to be in over 50s on most posts in likes now and more people engaging. Not sure if it's because of your magical work or because my contents getting better 🤔 😂 No I think it's a good mix of both, I'm making a lot more effort to not post shit and have more purposeful, meaningful content towards the clients I'm aiming at.

But the hashtags are getting a lot more engagement from others who wouldn't of seen my page. Following is creeping up as well. Changed the thumbnail around like you said and that's getting more views on those videos."
- Aidan Hamilton

Gone from 800 to over 10k followers

"Thanks Leon, I've been following your guidance for 2 years and gone from 800 to over 10k in that time. It was slow progress to start with but I kept at it and now starting to see some decent traction. Thanks for your advice. Looking forward to our follow up call on Wednesday"
- Michaela Breeze, Olympic Weightlifting Coach

Slow steady increase in followers

"Noticed a slow steady increase in followers and all I've changed is the hashtags so that's got to be connected."
- Daniel Meek

Ho. Ly. Shit. What a killer tool!

"Dude. I just looked at the generator... Ho. Ly. Shit. What a killer tool! Thank you!"
- Denny

A fantastic mentor to me. I finally reached over 10,000 followers

"I am here to tell you about how great and how greatly improved my Instagram is using Leon Benjamin's hashtag domination service.

I've known Leon now I think for a little bit over a year and not only has he been a fantastic mentor to me through Instagram (period) and in terms of how to work my feed, how to work my stories, how to work my messages and everything. I could go on droning on about that. That's a whole other video for this but specifically the Hashtag Domination service.

I struggled a lot with hashtags in terms of what to use for my niche, what to use for my market, which pictures to use which hashtags on, and Leon's Hashtag Domination Service, I actually ended up using twice because not only did I need it but it was so effective for me because I was putting on hashtags that I was kind of coming up with myself.

I was doing a little bit of research, you know what, I'll change that. I was doing way too much research and getting zero return. When I was taking a look at my insights, no one was finding my posts from hashtags, not a single person.

So not only did I hire Leon for this specific service, but when people were finding my posts that had never found them before I finally reached over 10,000 followers so I can finally use a swipe up in my stories, which I am absolutely, absolutely certain that I would never have gotten there without the usage of Leon's Hashtag Domination Service.

So boys and girls, I can't recommend it enough. The price on it is so ridiculously cheap I would have probably paid $500 plus for it. So if he still has this service available jump on it. You won't regret it and if you're like me you'll use it twice and you'll be able to grow your Instagram like never before.

So thanks a bunch Leon and I can't wait to keep growing with you over the years."
- Mega Marty Macphee - International Fitness, Nutrition, and contest prep coach

Il m'a aidé à réfléchir différemment sur ma stratégie de mise en marché

"Nouvellement en affaire, mon studio de d'entraînement de boxe ouvrira ses portes le mois prochain. J'avais besoin d'une expertise externe sur les stratégies marketing et de vente de mes services. Lors d'une rencontre d'environ 45 mins avec Leon, nous avons échangé sur les valeurs, la définition de mon service et mes objectifs. Il m'a donné des avenues de réflexion afin de répondre de façon optimale aux besoins des futurs clients et, simultanément, ceux de mon entreprise. Par des questionnements, il m'a guidé vers différents angles d'approche et différentes formules afin de rendre mon offre de service unique. Je recommande les services de Leon, il m'a aidé à réfléchir différemment sur ma stratégie de mise en marché."
- Philippe Perreault, Studio de boxe Laurentien

His passion for design and his commitment for excellence brings a joy to all those working around him.

"Leon is a smart, ethical, pleasurable, and a very innovative Engineer to work with, and I am happy to have had the opportunity to work with him. His passion for design and his commitment for excellence brings a joy to all those working around him."
- Nafees Ahmed, P. Eng - Senior Mecanical Engineer

Absorbs new skills and techniques at an incredible speed

"Leo absorbs new skills and techniques at an incredible speed, and his designs reflect a strong understanding of structure and stress flow, as well as a natural sense of aesthetics. "
- Joshua Sponder, P. Eng - Mecanical Design Engineer

If you want to see how I can impact you and your business, you can book a consultation call with me here.