Slow down and try Sawubona


My favorite book on mindset: Mindset Matters Most by Brian Grasso.

What I always remember from that book is Sawubona. I think about it all the time after realizing this existed.

A lot more people using Sawubona, I think would be a good thing.

It translates from Zulu to English as "I see you" - the entire "you". Genuinely caring for another person when you cross them on the street. Not centered around my concerns when they bring things up. Used as a formal greeting.

I feel like I do this a lot with my closest friends.

Giving my full attention.

Some lighter relationships feel like I don't go as deep. Or when I'm more stressed out and short on a deadline.

But I think having someone hear YOU out brings the attention to the right place and slows things down.

This helps you SEE others.

You can start that cycle today.

Slow down and try Sawubona.